Monday, June 21, 2010

Read the Directions!


I have the distinct pleasure of serving as the Tuscaloosa County Emmaus Cluster Lay Director for this year (you can read more about what Emmaus is here).  Each month I write a meditation for our Cluster Newsletter and felt it appropriate to reprint them here.  I think a lot and pray a lot about what I am going to write.  It usually just comes to me in a “God moment” where I share what’s been on my heart lately.  Here is the latest installment from the May newsletter.

Read the directions – For Christmas my husband received a Flip video camera.  Now we haven’t used it much, but plan on using it a lot once the baby arrives.  It has been several months since it has even been out of the box and needed to be charged.  As I worked on the computer one night, he came by trying to plug it in the USB port; flipping it upside down and sideways, and jiggling it around before I finally said, “Do you think we need to read the directions?”  Sure enough, he came back, slipped it into the slot and the camera began charging. 

The next day, I opened my Upper Room for a daily devotional and the title of the devotion was “Read the Directions” and read very similarly to the episode we had the night before.  Do you think God’s trying to tell me something???  Over the past few months, I’ve read and studied various instruction manuals: what to expect when you’re pregnant, what to expect when the baby gets here, instructions for putting together strollers, car seats, cribs, etc.  But what I should be studying is God’s direction for Christian living, how to be a good parent, how to sustain a strong marriage, and how to cope with trials to come.  No matter what your situation, God has an instruction book there for you…now, go Read the Directions.




  1. Candice, I love this post. It is exactly what I needed to hear today. Thanks for sharing!
    Elaine Gaskin Frix
