Friday, September 10, 2010

One Month


Dear Mary Emma,

I can’t believe you are already one month old!  You have brought such joy and happiness already into our lives.  You are growing and changing so much every day. 

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You are wearing size 0-3 month clothes, the newborn sizes are already too small and packed up!  You weigh almost 9 pounds.  You love to eat and take 4 ounces of formula every 3 to 4 hours.  You are starting to find your voice and “talk” to your toys on your playmat.  You are very funny and make Mommy and Daddy laugh when you swat at your butterfly and ladybug.  You “saw” Gabbie for the first time this week, following her with your eyes after you heard her bark.  You should be used to that sound!  You are also trying to start making facial expressions and we see a smile now and again.  You’ve recently started touching our faces when we hold you which melts Mommy and Daddy’s heart.

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You love to rock and sing with Mommy and walk around the house with Daddy.  You are very alert and focus on people’s faces and things around the house.  You like to go and your room and have us talk to you about your toys and bed.  You kick and wiggle your arms more than any baby I’ve ever seen.  You love to be a squirmy wormy especially when you’re on your back.

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When you get fussy, you love to go outside.  We take you outside at least once a day and you seem so happy and content.  You are a good car rider and like your carseat.  You are a very happy baby and you don’t seem to mind when other people hold you.

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Mommy and Daddy feel so blessed to have you in our lives and can’t imagine what life was like without you.  Continue to grow big  and strong and we’ll continue to love you with our whole hearts. 


1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh ! She has gotten so big! Tell her we love her and give her a big hug for me!! Love you all!

