Thursday, September 16, 2010

How long are you a house guest before having to pay rent?

This week Mary Emma, Elliott and I have been "house sitting" for my parents while they are in South Alabama for Dad to work.  Not that they need a housesitter or really even asked us to housesit - it sounds better to be housesitting instead of, Elliott had pull up all the hardwood floor in our bedroom, drill a three foot hole, and repair a busted water line that was making our floor have that "cool but undesirable feature when not intended" heated floor feel.  I mean, if I had wanted heated floors, that's one thing, but having hot water continuously running under my house, that's another. 

So, while Elliott and his step-dad Jim have worked ever so hard to repair the leak and fix the floor - we have been "squatting" at mother's house.  Mary Emma has adjusted to the change of scenery and loves the sunroom.  I do miss my bed and of course the dogs don't know what is going on because one of us comes to feed them, give them water and then leave again.  And apparently Cody has taken up with the new neighbors across the street.  We've seen him wave from his new home on the front porch. 

Since I don't have my camera cord here to upload new pictures, I'll just post some from mother's computer of Mary Emma's birth and day after.

First is the totally awesome sign that Elliott's best friend Wes made for us when we got home - super cute!

Next is my favorite picture of Elliott and Mary Emma.  This was probably one of the first times he held her and she already had him wrapped around her finger.

This last picture tickles me every time I look at because of the story behind it.  On Friday after Mary Emma was born my dad took all the pictures on their camera and not until they got home did he realize he doesn't have his picture with Mary Emma.  The first thing he did when they came back on Saturday was to have his picture made holding her.  Too Sweet PaPa!

That's all for now, hopefully the next post will come from our newly carpeted house.


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