Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Who Moved?


Have you ever had those times in life where things are just “clicking,” ...everything is going along well, you’re centered with God and feel the Holy Spirit leading and guiding you, life isn’t perfect but you can see the pieces make sense? 

And then it seems like in one instant everything changes…your life is filled with anxiety and worry, God seems much more distant, problems seem to occur around every corner, and try as you might you can’t conjure up a remnant of the Holy Spirit. 

Who moved?  Did God suddenly move away from you?  Or did we move? 

Too often I find in those times when things are going great and wonderful, I started out dependent on God – praying, studying, and surrounding myself with Christian examples and friends.  The better things get, the less time I find I’m spending in my daily Bible study, or prayer time becomes shorter – before I know it I am pretty full of myself that things are going so well, I can just do it on my own. 

Guess who moved?  I did – I willingly moved myself away from God, putting more importance on my own abilities than on God.  Remember that God is never the one that moves from us.  Remember the foundations of a Christian life– priority, study, piety, and action.  Keep God close by keeping your foundations steady and solid.




  1. There's an entire chapter in the book I'm reading, Plan B, (the one by me and Lil's pastor in Nashville) where he discusses this!!!

  2. Marcie - I remember Lillian talking about the series he was doing when she first moved. I've been reading your posts and think I need to pick up the book!
