Sunday, February 27, 2011


Yesterday Mary Emma had her first playdate with Cooper and Sadie.  We had driven to Haleyville to see Great-Granny and Great-Grandad and stopped by for some fun with our friends.  ME has been around other children before, but this was the first time she could sit up and play.

When we got there, they were both asleep - so she helped Sadie wake up by sitting in her crib with her and playing with her dolls.  Sadie sleeps with all her babies, so there were plenty to play with.  She was so sweet when she woke up and said, "I've been waiting to see her."  Mary Emma was occupied with trying to touch and love on Sadie than the babies.

After Cooper woke up, all three went to the living room to play, where Mary Emma test drove Sadie's chair.  This may be the perfect first birthday present.  Sadie was sharing her Hello Kitty with ME.
Cooper and Sadie have shared so many of their baby things with Mary Emma, including their old carseat and lots of Sadie's clothes.  Now we have these fun new toys to play with.  Sadie was showing ME how to use the ball and toys.
Cooper didn't want his picture taken, but he was there in all the fun.  He asked if we could let Mary Emma swing outside.  She has never been in an outside swing, so we thought we would try it.  Sadie looked at me as we got to the slide and said, "This is going to be so fun!".  Mary Emma did have fun, so much that she almost went to sleep.
We had so much fun playing with Cooper and Sadie.  Mary Emma was so tired she was asleep before we ever hit the city limits and slept the entire ride home.  We can''t wait to do it again!

1 comment:

  1. Cooper & Sadie had so much fun!! We were so excited that y'all got to come and play! See you soon

    Love you all
